About TC Max

TC Max is a buffered suspension being created with a unique blend of ingredients for those consumers who are unsatisfied with the general suspension products. This product shines in taste, ease of use and application, addresses the special needs of many food allergen consumers as well and is a very cost effective option.

Some of the incredible benefits of using TC Max.

  • This product is simple to use, just pour the pouch in water, mix and drink the required amount. We give you all the tools necessary for preparation. Take as little or as much as needed based on your symptoms or needs as a suspension with the direction of a medical care practitioner.
    • TC Max is IMMEDIATE RELEASE! No more timing around food. In fact you can take just before, directly after or add to any meal. This is helpful when timing food around medications is a challenge.
    • Lab tested for 60 day stability.
    • All the ingredients are CORN FREE, WHEAT FREE, SOY FREE, PROTEIN FREE, DAIRY FREE, GLUTEN FREE and just as an added bonus, they are NON GMO. Even the ingredients commonly known to contain those ingredients, we took great measure to find allergen free alternatives. This is important to those that have food sensitivities such as Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI), Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES), and Celiac.
    • TC Max contains Calcium Carbonate a very gentle buffer and supplements calcium for people of all ages. This link provides the recommended daily allowance of calcium.
    • TC Max also contains magnesium hydroxide to support digestive health and supplementation. 
    • The flavor! TC Max tastes like vanilla ice cream. Anyone who uses it is going to LOVE the taste!
    • Cost Effective! Similar products can cost anywhere from $250 to $1500 per month for use. That is a tremendous strain in a household dealing with health issues. The cost to use TC Max is about $5 per day. 
    • Any use of this product that isn't indicated on the use instructions must be done with the guidance of a medical care practitioner.